The Super Bowl isn’t just a game—it’s a cultural phenomenon, a cornerstone of American life, and one of the biggest annual events in the West. And what’s almost as important as the game itself? The art of trash-talking. Understanding this playful yet competitive form of banter is key to better connecting with Americans, especially during football season. Whether you’re a fan of the sport or just want to dive deeper into Western culture, this workshop will teach you a skill that’s as essential on the field as it is off: the art of American football trash-talking.
People are competitive by nature, some more than others. How good are you at light-hearted jabs and witty comebacks? Can you trade clever digs with a friend and laugh it off when the ball is thrown back at you? In this club, Alysia will break down the science of trash-talking as it relates to American football. We'll explore the pop culture references, humour, and linguistic finesse that go into creating the perfect verbal touchdown. This session will be a playful look at language, culture, and how Americans communicate through sports banter.
Mastering trash-talking is more than just a fun exercise—it’s a lesson in confidence, quick thinking, and cultural connection. Being good at it shows you’re in on the game, not just as a spectator but as an active participant in the conversation. Whether you’re practising for game day or sharpening your English skills, this workshop will help you score big with American friends, colleagues, and beyond. Let’s have fun, laugh together, and get ready to own Super Bowl banter like a pro!
超级碗不仅仅是一场比赛,它是美国文化的标志事件,也是西方一年中最盛大的活动之一。而除了比赛本身,还有什么同样重要?那就是trash talk(垃圾话)的艺术!想要在美式橄榄球季更好地融入美国文化?学习这种既调侃又竞争的语言技巧绝对必不可少!无论你是不是橄榄球迷,这场workshop都会教你一个“场上场下”都很重要的技能——美式橄榄球Trash Talk的艺术。
人天生就有竞争性,有些人表现得更强烈一些。那么,你在“嘴炮”和“神回复”这方面有多强?能不能和朋友轻松来回互怼,一边接招一边哈哈大笑?在这个俱乐部里,Alysia将带你深挖美式橄榄球trash talk的奥秘。我们会一起研究里面的流行文化梗、幽默感,以及如何用语言打出一个“完美的口头达阵”。这场活动会轻松有趣地探讨语言、文化,以及美国人通过体育调侃沟通的方式。
学会Trash Talk不仅仅是个有趣的语言练习,更是一次关于自信、快速思考和文化融入的训练。当你掌握了它,就不只是个旁观者,而是变成了对话里的玩家。无论是为比赛日做准备,还是想提高英语水平,这个workshop都会帮助你在美国朋友和同事中“得分”!让我们一起玩起来,大笑几场,准备像个高手一样主宰超级碗的Trash Talk吧!
Popcorn Club
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